We'll be creating a VPC that spans over 2 AZs, and that has 4 subnets, 2 in each AZ
For each AZ we'll have a private+public subnet, so that if the cluster will initiate a load balancer, it can use target pods in both AZs.
VPC Components:
A new internet gateway (IGW).
Don't forget to attach it to the VPC.
a private route table (privateRT) created from the default RT of the VPC
a public route table (publicRT)
a route inside the public RT, pointing to the IGW
subnet private-a-subnet, in AZ a, associated with privateRT
subnet private-b-subnet, in AZ b, associated with privateRT
subnet public-a-subnet, in AZ a, associated with publicRT
subnet public-a-subnet, in AZ a, associated with publicRT
EKS Service Role
Our new eks cluster should talk to other aws services from time to time.
For example, if we create a kubernetes service of the LoadBalancer type, our cluster would like to talk to the load balancer service and create a new load balancer.
The new role will give our cluster the required permissions.
Go to IAM, choose Roles from the menu, and click Create role
Choose AWS Service as the Trusted entity type.
It will be the eks service that will be given those permissions
Find and select EKS in the Use case below.
Then choose EKS - Cluster.
This means that we wish to allow the EKS service do things that will be required by our cluster.
Again, the example will be the creationg of a load balancer.
Click Next
Now we see that the console has already added to our new role an aws-managed policy called AmazonEKSClusterPolicy. You may click this one to see what it permits (again, not the LB).
Click Next
We can see here that the trust policy is ready for us.
The EKS service is allowed to use (assume) the new role.
Scroll up and fill-in the new role name: myAmazonEKSClusterRole
Then scroll down and click on Create role
EKS Cluster
Go to EKS service, clisk on Add cluster, then choose create
Basic configuration:
Name: my-cluster
make sure that our new service role is there
Scroll to the bottom and click Next
Networking configuration:
Leave only the 2 private subnets
Skip all the rest of the configuration (next-next...)
Review and create.
The cluster is now creating.
Don't continue until it is ready.
Config kubectl
We use kubectl to control kubernetes cluster
In order to config our environment to point to the new cluster type: aws eks update-kubeconfig --region --name
Here's an example: aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name my-cluster
To test: kubectl get services
Creating nodes
We'll use a managed node group (and present Fargate some other time)
Create an IAM Node Role that allows nodes to access the cluster:
Select service
Use case: Select EC2, then EC2 (then click Next)
Add this policy: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy (click Next)
Trust policy is OK (click Next)
Role name: myAmazonEKSNodeRole
Review and create
Add a Node groups:
Go to your cluster-->Compute-->Node Groups-->Add nodegroup
Name: my-nodegroup*
Choose the role you have just created (then click Next)
Set compute and scaling configuration (accept defauls and click Next)
Specify networking (accept defauls and click Next)
Review your managed node group configuration and choose Create.
After several minutes, the Status in the Node Group configuration section will change from Creating to Active.
Don't continue to the next step until the status is Active.