bash Hello World program

Shell Script

  • A shell script is a file containing one or more commands
  • You could type those commands individually on the command line
  • Here's the content of my first shell script:
1echo Hello World!
  • We have already encountered the [echo] command in Command Types
  • Now I have to give my file a name:
    • do not choose a name that is another builtin or an external executable (e.g do not choose test)
    • you can add .sh, so that it reminds you that this is a shell script. Note that the script does not need it, and it is not something many ppl do

Running the script using the source command

  • You can run your script using the source command:
1$ ls -l
2total 4
3-rw-rw-r-- 1 osboxes osboxes 18 Jan 17 09:02 hello
4$ cat hello 
5echo Hello World!
6$ source hello 
7Hello World!
  • source is a shell builtin, and it reads commands from the file you give it as a parameter, and executes them. The shell that is running those command is the current shell
  • To make sure you understand the meaning of that, add the command exit at the end of your script and run it

Running the script using the bash command

  • You can run the script using the bash command:
1$ bash hello 
2Hello World!
  • This is really running another shell process, so that the current shell waits until the new process end running. The new shell is running the commands in the script.
  • As before, at the exit command and see what's happening

Running the script as a command

  • The third option is to run the script as if it was a command.
  • I should change the script to look like this:
4echo Hello World!
  • The first line starts with #! and is called a shebang (the name is a mispronouncing of hash bang)
  • It tells bash what kind of interpreter should be used to run this script (you can try a python script)
  • Now, the file itself should behave like a program, since it is like you are running a binary file. So add execution permission for the user:
1chmod u+x hello
  • Now you can run it (note that this directory is not part of the path):
1$ ./hello 
2Hello World!
  • Note that this was running a new bash processes, so that the current bash process has not terminated.