First Repository

(this is a walk-through, so prepare your computer and let's play around with git) (this post if part of the material I cover in my devops course)

Saving Versions in git

  • This is the main thing in a version control system, isn't it?
  • Let's say you have a project, so several files

Installing git

  • Git is basically a cli program, and the installation should not be too hard.
  • Go to the installation page and find how to install git on your system
  • I'm using Ubuntu, so for me:
1sudo apt install git-all

should work.

  • Make sure it is working:
1$> git --version
2git version 2.39.2

First Repository

  • A git repository is where git is going to keep those snapshots, the history of the project.
  • I'll create a new directory, and create a git repository in it:
 2$> mkdir my-project
 3$> cd my-project/
 5$> git init
 6hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
 7hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
11hint: 	git branch -m <name>
12Initialized empty Git repository in /home/osboxes/my-project/.git/
14$> ls -la
15total 12
16drwxrwxr-x  3 osboxes osboxes 4096 Jan 22 11:24 .
17drwxr-x--- 32 osboxes osboxes 4096 Jan 22 11:24 ..
18drwxrwxr-x  7 osboxes osboxes 4096 Jan 22 11:24 .git
  • As you can see, git is giving me many hints about my new repository, but the end line confirms that the repository was created.
  • Indeed, the repository is kept inside the invisible .git subdirectory
  • The directory I have created (my-project in this example) is called the working directory in git jargon.
  • We can see what's going on in out project by using the git status command.
  • Note that the documentation still uses the old git-status form (called the dash form).
    This is kept for historical reasons:
2$> git status
3On branch master
5No commits yet
7nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
  • So there is nothing is the repository (yet)