Remote Branches 1

(these posts are part of the material I cover in my devops course)

Create Repositories

  • Go to your github account anc create a public repository.
    (I have created one called demo)
  • This is just a training session, so you will remove this repository when you're done.
  • Locally, create a working directory (called demowork), and 2 directories under that:
1mkdir demowork
2cd demowork/
3mkdir a
4mkdir b
  • Clone your demo repository into a and b:
1cd a/
2clone <your repository url>
3cd ../b/
4clone <your repository url>

Branch feature1

  • Goto your demo repository in a
  • Configure your user:
1$ git config "Yuval Shaul"
2$ git config ""
  • Check git status:
1cd ../a/demo
2git status
  • As you can see, you are in the master branch.
  • In fact, there are no branches created at all.
    If you try git branch you'll see no branches. The master you see is just a default name that will be use only if you commit anything.
  • Go ahead and create another branch and switch to it.
    Then create a file, add, commit and try to push:
1git checkout -b feature1
2echo hello > feature1.txt
3git add feature1.txt
4git commit -m "adding file to feature1 in a"
5git push
  • The last push command fails with something like this:
1fatal: The current branch feature1 has no upstream branch.
2To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
4    git push --set-upstream origin feature1

so we are not tracking a remote branch.

Tracking a remote branch

  • The push command has many options, but if these are not configured then the current branch is pushed to the corresponding upstream branch.
    The problem is that we don't have a current upstream branch, so we have to create one.
    We'll push using the suggested upstream configuration:
1git push --set-upstream origin feature1
  • Now we can see how are local feature1 branch tracks the remote one. Type:
1git branch -vv
  • Let's repeat everything with another branch called feature2:
1git checkout -b feature2
2echo hello > feature2.txt
3git add feature2.txt 
4git commit -m "first commit for feature2"
5git push --set-upstream origin feature2

Remote Branches

  • Use the follwing command to inspect all remotes:
1git remote -v show
  • Try the following to see ALL branches (including remote branches):
1git branch -a
  • Try this to see only remote branches:
1git branch -r
  • Add -v to see more details:
1git branch -r -v

Updating info

  • Go to b/demo and look for branches:
1cd ../../b/demo/
2git branch -a

You should see no brances at all.

  • You can update by using the git fetch command:
1$> git fetch
2remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
3remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
4remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
5remote: Total 5 (delta 0), reused 5 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
6Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), 438 bytes | 438.00 KiB/s, done.
8 * [new branch]      feature1   -> origin/feature1
9 * [new branch]      feature2   -> origin/feature2
  • Let's look that the branches that were updated:
1$> git branch -a
2 remotes/origin/feature1
3 remotes/origin/feature2
  • Try looking at the log of these remote branches:
1git log remotes/origin/feature1
2git log remotes/origin/feature2
  • Create a local branch to track the remote one.
    See the results:
1git checkout -b feature1 origin/feature1
2git status

Note that you have switched to the new local branch and that everything is updated from the remote branch.

  • Now, let's do the same thing differently:
1git branch newbr origin/feature2
2git branch -a
3git checkout newbr 

We have created a new branch, set it to track a remote one (where names do not match).
Checking out to the new local branch shows the created files.