Work With Github
This is a walkthroug. You are going to create a local repository, and do everything needed to push your work to a remote github repository.
Create a local repository
- Create your local repository by typing:
1git init
- Config git user name and email (these are not github user and email):
1git config --local "Yuval Teacher"
2git config --local
- Create a file, add it to the staging area, then commit.
Add a remote repository
- Go to GitHub and create a new repository.
(In my example I have created one called gittest) - Go to the green <>Code button dropdown, and make sure that you select SSH prior to copying the remote address.
Copy the address (it should begin and end with the word git) - Then type the command to create a remote definition in your local git repository:
1git remote add githubrem
(I use githubrem as my name for a remote, you can choose another name)
- Verify the remote you have created:
1git remote -v
Add SSH key
- You have to make sure you are authenticated by GitHib using SSH.
- We start by creating a pair of keys, as in the following example:
1ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
- The email address at the end is just a comment you attach to the public key.
- The response:
1Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
- Now I can change the key name:
1Enter file in which to save the key (/home/yuval/.ssh/id_ed25519): /home/yuval/.ssh/yuvalaws1_all
- I left everything else empty
- To verify:
1**ls ~/.ssh**
Add keys to the ssh agent
You can read about the ssh agent here.
1eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
2ssh-add ~/.ssh/yuvalaws1_all
Add the public key to github
Add the public key to github like this:
- Cat the public key:
1cat ~/.ssh/
- Copy with your mouse
- Go to your account settings (top-right-settings)
- Click SSH and GPG keys.
- Click New SSH key.
- In the "Title" field, add a descriptive label for the new key.
- Select the type of key (authentication in out case)
- In the "Key" field, paste your public key (including the email part)
- Click Add SSH key.
Push your changes
- Push you changes (you are in a branch called master and we are setting the remote branch that we are pushing the changes into):
1git push --set-upstream githubrem master
- Refresh the github view to see the changes