Jenkins Graphical User Interface

Jenkins after installation

This is how my jenkins page was looking just after I have installed it and logged in.
You can see my login information at the top-right corner.

new jenkins


I can click on my user name, or go to People (on the left) to get the same information.
Note the top menu specifying Dashboard--> at the top left.
In this location (Dashboard->username) everything in the left menu will refer to that user (configure, views etc..)
You can configure for a user: password, api token, email address, ssh keys (to interract with git), etc.
Also, all the builds I have will be under Builds


Folders are containers for other itmes (like Builds).

  • go to the dashboard again
  • Click on + New Item menu option
    • fill a name in the item name field (e.g: folder1)
    • click Folder (it will select it)
    • click the OK button at the bottom.
      jenkins folder

If you create other itmes (for example Freestyle project), you could do that in a folder you choose.
These projects will have a "run buttn" shaped as a triangle in the right side:

freestyle project in jenkins folder