Function Decorators With Parameters

In this example, we create a decorator that will multiply a value returned by a 2 parameters func by a value.

What we want to achieve

  • Suppose you have a decorator and a function like the following:
2def add_nums(a,b):
3    return a+b
  • The idea is that instead of having add_nums(3,4) return 7, it will return 35.
    It makes our function multiply the result by 5.
  • Note, that for a decorator to work, it need not be called, it is just a reference to a decorator function that can enhance our target function.
  • In other words:
    • mult is not a decorator
    • mult(5) return a decorator
    • this returned decorator will be called by @ operator to replace add_nums func.

A function to create a decorator

  • Look at the following structure:
1def mult(num):
2    def mult_decorator(two_params_func):
3        def new_two_params_func(a,b):
4            temp = two_params_func(a,b)
5            return temp * num
6        return new_two_params_func
7    return mult_decorator
  • The mult function IS NOT THE DECORATOR!
  • Calling mult(5) returns the internal mult_decorator WHICH IS THE DECORATOR!
  • The decorator is then called by python @ itself.
    It then returns the enhanced 2 parameter function.